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Airfield Inset Lights

TKH Airport Solutions inset lights are efficient and high-performing LED lights, providing at least 50,000 hours of service life at full 6.6A operation.

The LED light fixtures have a simplified modular construction, consisting of five main components:

  • Aluminium forging cover plate, with mechanical load capabilities exceeding FAA requirements.
  • Interchangeable LED light module
  • Electronic driver board with housing
  • Borosilicate glass prism with optional sapphire glass
  • Secondary cable in accordance with FAA or ICAO requirements

The result is easy maintenance of the lights due to the reduction of spare parts.

All of the TKH inset lights are also available as part of the CEDD® solution.

To learn more about any of the airfield lighting products found below, please get in touch with a member of our team.

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